Buco's Reviews
The White Stripes Review

Can Jack White the bluesman and Jack White the rocker get along well enough to produce another album?

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The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan

The White Stripes have been at the forefront of the new wave rock scene fusing punk, pop, and other sub-genres into one smooth sounding rock. But "Get Behind Me Satan" moves the White Stripes in a much different direction than the Strokes and Franz Ferdinand. It seems that the inner country blues artist of Jack White is trying to get itself noticed. Unlike their previous albums, The White Stripes focus primarily on piano and acoustic guitar to provide the sounds of the album. The first track "Blue Orchid" is the only track that resembles the hard rock that the White Stripes became famous for. From there the noisey rock is traded in for a charming piano. The first several tracks of Jack White on piano are just as interesting as anything the White Stripes have attempted to produce. Songs like "My Doorbell" and "Denial Twist" squeeze a rock sound out of the piano. This feeling did not last the hole album though. Jack White is an incredible guitarist but he is not nearly as creative on the piano. The album uses the same basic beat but changes the chords slightly and if you didn't look at the back of the cd case you could swear that it is all one song. The songs all sound like they are ready for Jack White to pick up his guitar and thrash around but it never comes. The new sound is fun and mature but sometimes all a listener wants to do is listen to something that just makes you want to move your feet. With this the White Stripes might lose some loyalists but can gain plenty back with this blues-rock collabo that leaves the listener with a bittersweet piano chord ringing in their ears.

Final Grade:



Buco's Essential Tracks:

-Blue Orchid
-My Doorbell
-Denial Twist

Band Members:

-Meg White: drums, percussion, vocals, triangle, bells
-Jack White: vocals, guitar, piano, marimba, tambourine

Other Albums:
-(self titled)
-De Stijl
-White Blood Cells

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