Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabies to Paralyze
This album is experimental at doing what every other Queens of the Stone Age album does. Their last album "Songs For
the Deaf" was brilliant and help put grunge metal back on the scene. But since then the band has gone through an extreme
makeover, Josh Homme style. The guitarist/singer relieved bassist/best friend Nick Oliveri from the band after "directional
differences." Also gone is the manic drumming and genius of rock legend Dave Grohl. In their place is a revolving door
of musical guests ranging from ZZ top to Homme's girlfriend, Brody Dale of the Distillers. To all the die-hard Queens of
the Stone Age fans, breath a sigh of relief because this is just as rocking as their previous endeavors. Under Homme's creative
yet watchful eye the music sounds distinctly of Queens of the Stone Age and restricts the sounds of the guests. Twisted yet
brilliant this album tours the highs and lows of Homme's inner "wolf." The fast songs get right to the point and
don't try to do to much, while the slower songs build towards intelligent climaxes. While the album loses its pace towards
the end the first dozen are a must listen too. Now lets just hope Homme can get another album out before he cuts the entire